DFV-File Part Ab - DCS Design part 1.pdf

Design & Development of Daimler Fighting Vehicles

(Open the PDF files for further information)


The Daimler Dingo Scout Car

Deign & Development



The Daimler Dingo Scout Car

Design & Development


Daimler Dingo Scout Car Data sheets  


Daimler Dingo Scout Advertisements & Film Clips


Experimental Report on the performance of the BSA Daimler Scout car. 18-11-1938



Home -  Daimler Fighting Vehicles
DFV-File Part Ah - DAC Data sheets.pdf
DFV-File Part Ad- DSC Data sheets.pdf

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project


Design and Development of the Daimler Dingo Scout Car

DFV-File Part Ab - DCS Design part 1.pdf

Design and 
Development of the 
Daimler Armoured Car
develop DAC

Design & 
Development of the
Daimler Ferret
develop FERRET

Design & 
Development of the
 Daimler Fox
develop FOX

Design and 
Development of the 
Daimler Armoured Car
develop DAC

Wartime Advert from Lockheed who manufactured the scout cars braking system

A good demonstration of the Dingo’s ‘off road’ ability taken from a film promoting the toughness of the Daimler  product.

 (although not an activity recommended to be repeated with a plus 65 year old vehicle today)

Home -  Daimler Fighting Vehicles
Experimental Report BSA - Daimler Scout car 18-11-1938.pdf
DFV-File Part Ab - DCS Design part 2.pdf